Argonne National Laboratory

The Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) hosts biweekly colloquia that provide a forum for topical multidisciplinary talks in areas of interest to the CNM and that offer a mechanism for fostering interactions with potential facility users.

When: Alternate Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.

Where: Argonne National Laboratory, Colloquiums present in 2 formats, VIRTUAL via Zoom and HYBRID (in-person (Building 440, Room A105/106) and Zoom. See Agenda for information.

Colloquium Committee Members: Xiao-Min Lin (Chair), Pierre Darancet, Ralu Divan, Xuedan Ma, Elena Rozhkova, Jianguo Wen

2015 Schedule

Date Title
Jan 07, 2015Nanomaterials for Integrated Optics, Andrea Armani , University of Southern California, Host: Carmen Lilley (CNM visiting scientist,
Jan 21, 2015Design of Nanostructures for Electrochemical Energy Conversion Applications, Hong Yang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Host: Xiao-Min Lin.
Feb 04, 2015Photons in Flatland: Manipulating Light and Matter in Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials, Nathaniel Stern, Northwestern University, Host: Il Woong Jung.
Mar 04, 2015Colloidal Superparticles: A New Frontier of Nanomaterials, Y. Charles Cao, University of Florida, Host: Yugang Sun.
Apr 15, 2015Structures, Devices, and Architectures for Nanoscale Solutions in Electrical Energy Storage, Gary Rubloff, University of Maryland, Host: Maria Chan and Paul Fenter (CSE).
Apr 29, 2015Spin and Pseudospins in 2D Semiconductors, Xiaodong Xu, University of Washington, Host: Anand Bhattacharya.
May 20, 2015Interface Energetics in Organic Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells, Philip Schulz, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Host: Maria Chan.
May 27, 2015Mapping Optoelectronic Properties at the Native Length Scale in Lead Halide Perovskites and 2-D MoSe2, Alexander Weber-Bargioni, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Host: Jeff Guest.
Jun 10, 2015Advanced ab initio methods: Bridging electron excitation and H-bond structure in liquid water and ion solutions, Xifan Wu, Temple University, Host: Jianguo J.G. Wen.
Jun 24, 2015Atomic Engineering of III-V Semiconductors for Quantum Devices from Deep UV (200 nm) to Terahertz (300 microns) at CQD/NU: Recent Advances and Future Trends, Manijeh Razeghi, Northwestern University, Host: Rich Schaller.
Jul 08, 2015Strongly Enhanced Light-Matter Interactions using Plasmonic Nanocavities, Maiken Mikkelsen, Duke University, Host: Gary Wiederrecht.
Aug 19, 2015Radio-Frequency Nanoelectromechanical Systems in Atomically-Thin Semiconducting Crystals, Philip Feng, Case Western Reserve University, Host: Changyao Chen.
Sep 02, 2015Partially-Oxidized Graphene Nanostructures: Speciation and Li Capacity Studies, Brad Fahlman, Central Michigan University, Host: Yuzi Liu hosting for Yugang Sun.
Oct 07, 2015Computational Design and Discovery of Earth-Abundant Thermoelectrics, Vidvuds Ozolins, University of California, Los Angeles, Host: Maria Chan.
Oct 09, 2015De Novo Design of Enzymatic Function, Ivan Korendoych, Syracuse University, Host: Chris Fry .
Oct 14, 2015Design and Control of Interface and Structure of Electrodes for Energy Conversion and Storage, Guozhong Cao, University of Washington, Host: Yugang Sun.
Oct 28, 2015Transport in Adatom-Decorated Graphene, Erik Henriksen, Washington University, St. Louis, Host: Chad Husko.
Nov 04, 2015Transition Metal Dichalcogenides as Electrodes for Energy and Electronics, Manish Chhowalla, Rutgers University, Host: Ani Sumant.
Nov 11, 2015The Spin-Dependent Surface Chemical Bond, Dan Dougherty, North Carolina State University, Host: Jeff Guest.
Nov 18, 2015Charge Transfer at the Nano Scale - Single Molecule and X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy Measurements, Latha Venkataraman, Columbia University, Host: Pierre Darancet.
Dec 09, 2015Growing Nanowires, Spirals, and Helices in Solution, Hongyu Chen, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Host: Yugang Sun.
Dec 16, 2015The Status and Challenges of Lead Halide Perovskite Solar Cells, Yanfa Yan, University of Toledo, Host: Jianguo J.G. Wen.