Argonne National Laboratory

The Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) hosts biweekly colloquia that provide a forum for topical multidisciplinary talks in areas of interest to the CNM and that offer a mechanism for fostering interactions with potential facility users.

When: Alternate Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.

Where: Argonne National Laboratory, Colloquiums present in 2 formats, VIRTUAL via Zoom and HYBRID (in-person (Building 440, Room A105/106) and Zoom. See Agenda for information.

Colloquium Committee Members: Xiao-Min Lin (Chair), Pierre Darancet, Ralu Divan, Xuedan Ma, Elena Rozhkova, Jianguo Wen

2024 Schedule

Date Title
Nov 06, 2024Understanding the Nature and Dynamics of Localized Excitons from First Principles, Sahar Sharifzadeh, Boston University, Host: Pierre Darancet.Abstract440 - A105/106, 11:00am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Nov 20, 2024Jing Ping Wang, University of Minnesota, Host: Tom Gage.440 - A105/106, 11:00am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Dec 06, 2024Himchan Cho, KAIST, Host: Richard Schaller.440 - A105/106, 11:00am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Dec 18, 2024Peijun Guo, Yale University, Host: Pierre Darancet.440, A105/A106, 11:00 am. Virtual Link Hybrid

2025 Schedule

Date Title
Jan 15, 2025Ayman Karim, Virginia Tech, Host: Gengnan Li.
Jan 29, 2025Angel Marli, Rice University, Host: Elena Shevchenko.440, A105/A106, 11:00 am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Feb 12, 2025Xiaoqin Elaine Li, University of Texas-Austin, Host: Muchuan Hua and Benjamin Diroll.440, A105/A106, 11:00 am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Feb 26, 2025Nathaniel P. Stern, Northwestern University, Host: Jeff Guest.440, A105/A106, 11:00 am. Virtual Link Hybrid

Recent Colloquia

Date Title
Oct 23, 2024Self-Driving Labs for Polymer Research across Scales, Keith Brown, Boston University, Host: Jie Xu.Abstract, 440 - A105/106, 11:00 am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Oct 09, 2024In the realm of ultra-thin sheets: where geometry explains novel shapes, Prof. Thomas Witten , University of Chicago , Host: Xiao-Min Lin.Abstract440 - A105/106, 11:00am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Sep 25, 2024
Sep 11, 2024Seeking Bioinspiration at the CNM with Peptide Materails, Chris Fry, Argonne National Laboratory, Host: Elena Rozhkova and Richard Schaller.440, A105/A106, 11:00 am. Virtual Link Hybrid
Aug 28, 2024Studying multicarrier interactions in semiconductor nanocrystals using heralded spectroscopy, Dan Oron, Weizmann Institute of Science, Host: Richard Schaller.Abstract
Jul 31, 2024Alex Ivanov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Host: Saw Hla.