Argonne National Laboratory


Do I need to register?

We always recommend that anyone associated with a proposal registers as a user, but initially it is only required for the PI who is submitting a proposal. The person listed as the PI on the proposal receives all the communications regarding the allocation process and is responsible for submitting the User Work Submittal (UWS) form if the proposal is accepted (or emailing the CNM User Office to designate a delegate). If your proposal is accepted, then anyone listed on the UWS needs to register or have current user registration.

Why am I being asked to register as a user?

In addition to registration granting access (remote and in person) to Argonne National Laboratory, all users listed on an active user proposal are requested to have active user registration in order to be counted as a CNM user in our yearly reports for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences. Your registration is greatly appreciated to better reflect our user community for future considerations. If you have been contacted, please register as a user at your earliest convenience. We appreciate your assistance.

As a current registered user, when do I need to register again?

User registration is active for two years or until your until your non-US documentation (passport, visa, etc.) expires, whichever comes first. You will not need to register again until less than 3 months before your user registration expiration date.

The only exceptions are if your employer changes, your contact information needs to be updated, or if your emergency contact needs to be updated. If registering for one of those purposes, please be sure to specify the reason so that your information can be updated.

My user registration expired. Why can't I register as a returning user?

Answer: Once your user registration expired, your Argonne domain account was disabled. You will need to register as a new user and include your badge number so that your updated information will be linked to your previous account.

What is an ORCiD ID?

ORCiD stands for Open Research and Contributor ID and is required for registering as a user and submitting a CNM user proposal. Please visit the ORCiD home page to learn more.

Why can’t I log in to the proposal system with my ORCiD ID?

It may be that your ORCiD is not currently linked to your user account. Please contact the CNM User Office for assistance.

How can I activate or change my Argonne Domain Account password?

Please test your Argonne Domain Account to see if it is working. If your password has been disabled, you can reset using your Password Enrollment Profile. For any assistance or if you do not have a Password Enrollment Profile, please contact the Argonne Service Desk at 630-252-9999, option 4.

Why is the APS User Office emailing me?

The APS User Office processes the user registrations for both the APS and the CNM. If they reach out with questions about your registration, please be sure to reply promptly.

Proposal Information (Submitting)

What is a SciCon?

SciCon is short for your scientific contact. This is the CNM staff person assigned to assist with your proposal. They are identified in your allocation email and can be viewed in the external proposal system or in your People record by clicking on your name in the top right at and looking under the Proposal tab. Please note your People record is an internal webpage and is only available if you are on site, VPN’d in, or if you go in through

When are the proposal calls?

The CNM has three proposal calls per year . Proposals are usually due in the first Friday of March, July, and November.

How do I submit a proposal?

For all the steps on how to become a user, including submitting a proposal, please visit our Quick Start Guide or submit your proposal here.

What is the difference between Proprietary and Nonproprietary?

Nonproprietary work indicates you plan to make your results available to the public (e.g. publish your research results in open scientific literature). There is no cost to use the CNM for nonproprietary proposals.

Proprietary work means that the work is intended to be kept private and the users will retain title to their inventions. Access to the CNM facilities is available for proprietary research with an approved proprietary proposal on a cost-recovery basis.

What are the steps for a Proprietary proposal?

If you plan to submit a proprietary proposal, the next steps would involve confirming you have a proprietary user agreement and requesting a non-disclosure agreement. If your proprietary proposal is allocated, you will need to arrange for a pre-paid account and determine the cost recovery rates. Contact CNM User Office for assistance. More information is available by visiting our CNM Proprietary Research page.

How can I edit the proposal I submitted before it is sent for review?

Please contact CNM User Office for assistance. We can return your proposal to draft. You can resubmit after you have made the necessary changes.

How soon will I know if my proposal is allocated?

The peer review process for proposals can take 6-8 weeks past the Proposal Call Deadline. Allocation notifications will be sent at that time.

After Proposal Allocation

Why doesn’t a specific proposal show up on my list of proposals?

Please reach out to CNM User Office.

How do I activate my proposal?

Once your proposal has been reviewed and you have received notification about allocation, you have one year to activate your proposal. The PI begins the process by submitting the safety documentation (user work submittal) provided in the allocation. If the PI would prefer a delegate complete the UWS, the PI will need to email CNM User Office with the proposal number and name of the preferred delegate.

What is a UWA?

User Work Authorization (UWA) is how we refer to a fully activated proposal. It means the proposal has been allocated, the PI has submitted the safety documentation (user work submittal), and our safety coordinator has fully approved the documentation. A fully approved UWA is required before any work can be done on a proposal.

How do I sign my User Work Authorization (UWA)?

A pdf copy of the UWA is sent with the proposal activation notification. You may also request a copy from the CNM User Office. Please sign the UWA (either electronic signature, printed, signed, and scanned, or in-person at the User Office) and return it to CNM User Office. You can send your signatures in individually or as a group.

How do I add a user to my existing UWA?

Email your scientific contact with the user’s name, badge number, and the UWA number. If they do not currently have a badge number or have expired registration, please have them register as a user first. Once added, the user can access the next steps in our User Quick Start Guide .

Why isn’t there a line for me to sign on the User Work Authorization (UWA)?

This means that you are not listed as coming to site on the UWA. Please reach out to your scientific contact to update your user status for the UWA. Once processed, the updated UWA will have a line available for you to sign. Please reach out to the user office or your SciCon for a pdf to sign.

My proposal will need more than one year. How do I continue access?

Users are welcome to submit a new proposal for review. Please be sure to list your previous proposal and include any findings, details, and publications resulting from your initial access to the CNM. To avoid loss of access, be sure to check your proposal expiration date and identify the correct Proposal Call for submission by adding in 6-8 weeks after deadline to allow for review and allocation notification. If allocated, users have up to one year to activate a new proposal; you can wait to activate the new proposal until closer to when the first is due to expire.

Where can I find more information about Carbon?

We recommend visiting for guidance and requirements.

How can I access an internal webpage from an external location?

Please visit and log in with your Argonne Domain Account. Select “Use light version.” Click on the Apps tab to see all available applications and select the internet browser from the list to open a browser within your browser. After logging in with your Argonne domain account a second time, you’ll be able to enter the internal web page in the internal address bar.

User Trainings and Safety

How can I find my current user training status?

Either contact CNM User Office or log in to and click on your name in the upper right-hand corner where it reads “Logged in as”. Click on the training tab. If you are off site, please follow the instructions for going through, first.

My SOP requires online training beyond the core CNM user courses. How do I access those from outside Argonne?

Please visit and log in with your Argonne Domain Account. Select “Use light version.” Click on the Apps tab to see all available applications and select TMS. If needed, log in again with your Argonne Domain Account. Click on Enroll in an Elective. Type in the training course you need to take. A pop-up window will then provide a link “This course is also available online located here” you can click and then proceed to take the training.

What are and how do I attend Office Hours?

Office Hours go over any questions and requirements prior to your first visit. They are held every Friday from 11am-12pm on Zoom. Please email CNM User Office with your preferred date of attendance. If a Friday at that time is not feasible for your schedule, an alternate date and time can be provided.

How can I acknowledge my SOP training?

The tool/process custodian who gave you the training will send you an email with a link to acknowledge your training. You will need to log in using your Argonne Domain Account. If you have any trouble, you can also access your training acknowledgement links here: If you are on site, VPN’d in, or have gone in through Dash, you can also try and click on the “Acknowledge Training” link at the top.

How can I find if I'm authorized on an SOP?

Either contact CNM User Office or log in to and click on your name in the upper right-hand corner where it reads "Logged in as". Click on the Prox Access tab. Hover over each room to see the SOPs linked from your UWA. Hover over the SOP to see which courses may need to be completed. Green indicates authorized, red indicates not authorized, yellow indicates that you have completed the required steps and your tool/process custodian needs to authorize you. If you are off site, please follow the instructions for going through, first.

How can I see if I have prox card access to a lab?

Either contact CNM User Office or log in to and click on your name in the upper right-hand corner where it reads "Logged in as". Click on the Prox Access tab. The room color indicates your access: green means you have access, yellow means authorization to an SOP is pending, red means you do not have access. A clear star means you may be able to request off hours from the tool/process custodian. A yellow star means you have been approved for off hours access. Please confirm with your tool/process custodian if you will need to be accompanied by a CNM staff member during off hours. If you are off site, please follow the instructions for going through, first.

How do I find the SOPs listed on my UWA?

Either contact CNM User Office or log in to and click on your name in the upper right corner. Click on the Proposals tab and then click the proposal number in the ID column. This will open a pdf of the current UWA. Scroll down to section 1.6 Processes to view all the SOPs currently listed. If you are off site, please follow the instructions for going through, first.

CNM Onsite Access

What steps are needed to gain onsite access to the CNM?

All users need to have a signed UWA, be current on core CNM user training, and be fully authorized on the SOP associated with the lab you are trying to access (meaning you were given and acknowledged the training and the tool/process custodian authorized you). Please contact the CNM User Office for assistance.

Do I need to schedule my visit?

If you are coming on site to the CNM, it is suggested to schedule your visit in the Visit Management System. You can access the VMS through the internal link or external link. Scheduling your visit may identify administrative steps that need to be addressed prior to your arrival and ensure you receive notification concerning access or events. Please note that the tool reservation system is separate from the VMS and reservations will be needed in both systems.

Why isn’t my proposal linked to the Visit Management System?

When your UWA isn’t appearing in the drop down menu in the internal link or “schedule visit” isn’t appearing as an option in your external link, it indicates that your proposal has not yet been activated or you are not linked to the UWA. Please contact CNM User Office so we can identify the next steps for activation. Work cannot begin until your proposal is fully activated as a User Work Authorization (UWA).

Why isn’t the SOP I need listed in the Visit Management System?

If you can’t find a specific tool or process you need on the SOPs that auto populate when scheduling your visit, it means that it is not listed on your user work authorization (UWA). Please contact your Scientific Contact to see if it can be added to your UWA.

How do I make a tool reservation?

Tool reservations are scheduled here: Please note that tool reservations, if needed, are required in addition to scheduling your visit in the Visit Management System. Authorization to reserve tools is decided by the tool custodian. Please confirm with your tool custodian if users can schedule in advance of training, after being fully trained/authorized, or if requests need to be emailed directly to the tool custodian for them to reserve.

Why isn’t my prox card granting me access?

Some of the common issues regarding prox card access can be resolved by making sure you have emailed your signed UWA to CNM User Office, are current on your core CNM user training, and are fully authorized on the SOP associated with the lab you are trying to access (meaning you were given and acknowledged the training and the tool/process custodian authorized you). Please contact the CNM User Office for assistance.

Is there somewhere to park when I visit the CNM?

The parking lot in front of the CNM is available for all users and staff. No parking passes, permissions, or costs are required.

How do I get access during off hours?

Please note that off hours access is at the discretion and determination of both your SciCon and the tool/process custodian for the SOP you are asking to access. Contact your SciCon to request off hours be added to your UWA. Off hours access is defined by your SciCon as escorted or unescorted by a CNM staff member and can be Saturday & Sunday 7am-7pm or 24/7. Once your SciCon has updated your UWA, contact the tool/process custodian to request off hours access. If approved, the custodian will update your authorization in the SOP to indicate escorted/unescorted by CNM staff and determine Saturday & Sunday 7am-7pm or 24/7. Your prox card will automatically grant you off hours access to the labs associated with the SOP once your SciCon and the tool/process custodian have granted unescorted off hours access on both the UWA and SOP.

What does “escorted” off hours access mean?

If your SciCon and the tool/process custodian of the SOP you want to access have granted access to the CNM during off hours with a CNM escort, it means that you will be able to enter the building outside of the hours of 7am-7pm Monday – Friday, but that you will not be able to access the lab without a CNM staff member with you. The escorted or unescorted status is at the discretion of your SciCon and the tool/process custodian.

What are the types of off hours available?

The CNM operates Monday through Friday from 7:00 am – 7:00 pm. If you would like to access the CNM outside of those hours, you would need to be given permission by your SciCon on an active UWA and by the tool/process custodian of the SOP you want to access. The two types of off hours are Saturday & Sunday 7am-7pm or 24/7. The first option would give you access to the CNM any day of the week from 7am – 7pm. The 24/7 option would give you additional access overnight. Please note that off hours access does not include lab closures or holidays.

What is the difference between a gate pass and a badge?

A gate pass is for short term access to site. If your site access is for less than 30 days, if you are visiting a different division, or if you are coming to Argonne for an event such as a tour, seminar, workshop, conference, etc. a gate pass may be issued. A badge is typically issued for up to a maximum of 6 months from the date it is issued, depending on your user registration/site access expiration date.

What do I do if I'm arriving during off hours and don't have a physical badge?

If you have current user registration, are arriving during off hours and do not have a current badge, please email the CNM user office with your estimated date and time of arrival. A gate pass will be requested for your arrival and be available at the guard booth located at the main entrance to Argonne off Cass Avenue. You will need to return to the Argonne Welcome Center badging office during their normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 7:30 am - 3:30 pm) to obtain your user badge.

What is a prox card?

A proximity card (prox card) is what will give you access to the labs and buildings where you have been fully authorized. If you do not have one, it will be issued when you receive your badge at the Argonne Information Center. Be sure to tell them you are a CNM user. Once you are fully authorized on an SOP, our system will automatically give you access to the labs and buildings associated with the authorized SOP.