CNM Stories
We value each member of our community at the Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM). Together, we are at the leading-edge of science.

“CNM provides equipment and resources not available at my university, and the people at CNM help direct our hands-on experiments in nanoscale lasers.”

“I have been working with CNM for a year now and this experience has shaped my career path moving forward as a scientist..”

“CNM is a wonderful place. It gives me positive energy to focus on my research. There are many research tools and laboratories here and it gives me a complete toolkit to complete my research without going elsewhere.”

“I spent many years in advanced diamond technologies, working with the CNM to develop diamond-based products for applications ranging from biomedical devices to X-ray zone plates, which is work that continues to this day. Without the CNM, none of this work would have been possible. ADT [advanced diamond technologies], an Argonne spinoff had a $100 million impact on Will County in Illinois and is a direct example of the CNM paying off.”

“What I love about CNM is the curiosity of the people and the endless debates fighting about science. The right to show each other how the other is wrong to make discoveries. We love science.”

“I like pushing the frontier of science and we’re making our planet a better place to live.”

“The CNM gives me the opportunity to work with an incredible group of people with a wide set of scientific experience.”

“CNM is the best place for great team work, and I love working here.”

“I like collaborating with people in such a way that the final result is bigger than the sum of its parts.”

“I use high performance computing resources and the electron beam lithography equipment at CNM. The CNM staff has provided a lot of great advice on our experimental techniques.”

“The culture is much open and people are willing to help you even when they don’t have the time, and they encourage you to use the opportunity to excel.”

“I have been at Argonne for 38 years and I began supporting CNM in 2006. As the group leader of Information Solutions and Technology Assurance, I help enable the ground-breaking science that happens here. I ease the operational burden on scientists so they can do groundbreaking research. I have always felt like a part of the science going on here. Because I’m here, they’re able to get more done.”

“I consider CNM like one team, but with numerous goals. As a team, we try to achieve the highest goals, and as a team we encourage and support each other.”

“CNM is my dream place to have fun with science.”

“CNM is a great place to let our skills bloom!”

“CNM is a great place to do nanoscience and enhance my skills as a researcher.”

“CNM has been a great place to develop skills in research and programming and has taught me a lot about science and hard work.”