Argonne National Laboratory

The Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) hosts biweekly colloquia that provide a forum for topical multidisciplinary talks in areas of interest to the CNM and that offer a mechanism for fostering interactions with potential facility users.

When: Alternate Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.

Where: Argonne National Laboratory, Colloquiums present in 2 formats, VIRTUAL via Zoom and HYBRID (in-person (Building 440, Room A105/106) and Zoom. See Agenda for information.

Colloquium Committee Members: Xiao-Min Lin (Chair), Pierre Darancet, Ralu Divan, Xuedan Ma, Elena Rozhkova, Jianguo Wen

2013 Schedule

Date Title
Jan 16, 2013Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy for Catalysis Research: the Example of Carbon Nanotubes, Eric Stach, Brookhaven, Host: Yuzi Liu.
Jan 30, 2013Solution-Grown Silicon and Germanium Nanowires, Brian Korgel, UT Austin, Host: Xiao-Min Lin.
Mar 13, 2013Next generation nanocrystals for cellular imaging, Bruce Cohen, Molecular Foundry, Host: Elena Shevchenko.
Mar 27, 2013Mind the gap: quantum effects and optical magnetism in plasmonic particle junctions , Jennifer Dionne, Stanford, Host: Elena Shevchenko.
Apr 03, 2013Playing with broken symmetries in oxides, Anand Bhattacharya, Argonne National Laboratory, Host: Daniel Lopez.
Apr 10, 2013Enabling and Disrupting Impacts of Interfaces in Energy Systems, Dawn Bonnell, University of Pennsylvania, Host: Chris Fry for Maxim Nikiforov.
Jun 05, 2013Surface Chemistry of Gold Nanorods: Wrapping, Stitching, Exchanging and Coating, Cathy Murphy , UIUC, Host: Yugang Sun.
Jun 19, 2013In-Operando Characterization of the Structural Dynamics of Nanoscale Catalytic Materials, Ralph Nuzzo , UIUC, Host: Yugang Sun.
Jul 17, 2013Functional DNA Nannotechnology; Precise Spatial and Dynamic Controls of Nanomaterials Assembly and its Applications in Sensing and Medicine, Yi Lu, U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Host: Rich Schaller.
Jul 31, 2013Toward High Efficiency Polymer-Nanoparticle Hybrid Solar Cell, Wei-Feng Su, National Taiwan University, Host: Seth Darling.
Aug 28, 2013Charge Separation, Transport and Recombination in Organic Photovoltaics, Jenny Nelson, Imperial College London, Host: Seth Darling.
Sep 11, 2013Interfacial Control of Lithiation Using Layered Intermetallic Architectures, Tim Fister, Argonne National Laboratory, Host: Maria Chan.
Sep 25, 2013Chemical Analysis with Sub-A Resolution of Light Elements Using Aberration-corrected STEM, Robert Klie, University of Illinois at Chicago, Host: Maria Chan/Yuzi Liu.
Oct 09, 2013DNA: Not Merely the Secret of Life, Nadrian (Ned) Seeman, NYU, Host: Elena Rozhkova.
Oct 23, 2013Spin-polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigations of Nanospintronic Systems, Arthur Smith, Ohio University, Host: Saw-Wai Hla.
Dec 04, 2013Efficient and Accurate Quantum Chemistry for Biological Systems, Heather Kulik, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Host: Maria Chan.
Dec 18, 2013Monodisperse Carbon Nanomaterial Heterostructures, Mark Hersam, Northwestern University, Host: Tijana Rajh.